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Wedding Hair sticks-Im- jewelry


Wedding Hair sticks nº 3963
3 units, silver coBig fork with cicrulares forms , made with high quality crystals .rnAvailable colors : crystalrnMeasurements: 5,7x5,6cm .lor.


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Wedding Hair sticks nº 81
3 units. Silver color.


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Wedding Hair sticks nº 85
4 units, silver color.


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Wedding Hair sticks.
6 units, silver color.


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Wedding Hair sticks
Diameter: 0,50" /// 1,3 cm. Min: 4 units.


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Wedding Hair sticks nº 9
1,17x0,97" // 3x2,5 cm.


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Min:  3

Wedding Hair sticks nº4
1,56 x 0,78" // 4x2 cm. Min. 3 units


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Min:  3


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Wedding Hair sticks nº23.
1,17x0,70" // 3x1,8 cm. Min: 3 units.


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Min:  3

Wedding Hair sticks nº 55.
1,17x0,78" // 3x2 cm. Min: 3 units.


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Min:  3
Wedding Hair sticks nº 6
1,28x0,78" // 3,3x2 cm. Min: 3 units.


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Min:  3
Wedding Hair sticks nº 11.
1,17x1,17" // 3x3 cm. 3 units.


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ESPALA,SA NIF A50310986, Alfonso I 27 dup. Local. 50.003 Zaragoza, Inscrita en el REGISTRO MERCANTIL DE Zaragoza Tomo 852 General 569 Seccion 3ª Folio 178 Hoja 10198 Inscripcion 1ª